Beer Bottle

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Project ZomboidItemsFoodDrinksBeer Bottle
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Beer Bottle
BeerBottle Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
HungerMoodle Icon Hungry.png
ThirstMoodle Icon Thirsty.png
UnhappinessMoodle Icon Unhappy.png
Sterilize powerDisinfection
Item ID

Beer Bottle, is an alcoholic non-perishable food item.



Beer Bottle is an alcoholic beverage, and will therefore increase the player's drunkenness as it is consumed. Being drunk will affect the player's coordination (controls), both on foot and in a vehicle, and weapon accuracy.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

BeerBottle distribution Show / Hide
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings, and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room Container Effective chance
all Outfit_Punk 6.41%
all fridge 3.98%
all fridge 10.78%
bandkitchen counter 23.28%
bandkitchen counter 41.14%
bandkitchen fridge 23.28%
bandkitchen fridge 41.14%
bandkitchen overhead 23.28%
bandkitchen overhead 41.14%
bar counter 23.28%
bar counter 41.14%
bar crate 23.28%
bar crate 41.14%
bar fridge 23.28%
bar fridge 41.14%
bar metal_shelves 23.28%
bar metal_shelves 41.14%
bar shelves 23.28%
bar shelves 41.14%
barkitchen counter 23.28%
barkitchen counter 41.14%
barkitchen crate 23.28%
barkitchen crate 41.14%
barkitchen fridge 23.28%
barkitchen fridge 41.14%
barkitchen metal_shelves 23.28%
barkitchen metal_shelves 41.14%
barkitchen shelves 23.28%
barkitchen shelves 41.14%
barstorage counter 23.28%
barstorage counter 41.14%
barstorage crate 23.28%
barstorage crate 41.14%
barstorage fridge 23.28%
barstorage fridge 41.14%
barstorage metal_shelves 23.28%
barstorage metal_shelves 41.14%
barstorage shelves 23.28%
barstorage shelves 41.14%
beergarden counter 23.28%
beergarden counter 41.14%
beergarden fridge 23.28%
beergarden fridge 41.14%
brewery crate 23.28%
brewery crate 41.14%
brewery crate 76.55%
brewery metal_shelves 23.28%
brewery metal_shelves 41.14%
brewery metal_shelves 76.55%
brewerystorage crate 23.28%
brewerystorage crate 41.14%
brewerystorage crate 76.55%
brewerystorage metal_shelves 23.28%
brewerystorage metal_shelves 41.14%
brewerystorage metal_shelves 76.55%
dining counter 23.28%
dining counter 41.14%
dining shelves 23.28%
dining shelves 41.14%
drugshack counter 23.28%
drugshack counter 41.14%
drugshack crate 23.28%
drugshack crate 41.14%
kitchen counter 3.98%
kitchen overhead 3.98%
kitchen shelves 3.98%
liquorstore crate 23.28%
liquorstore crate 41.14%
liquorstore fridge 23.28%
liquorstore fridge 41.14%
liquorstore metal_shelves 23.28%
liquorstore metal_shelves 41.14%
liquorstore shelves 23.28%
liquorstore shelves 41.14%
liquorstore smallbox 23.28%
liquorstore smallbox 41.14%
livingroom counter 3.98%
livingroom overhead 3.98%
restaurant counter 23.28%
restaurant counter 41.14%
restaurant shelves 23.28%
restaurant shelves 41.14%

Beer Bottle can be found in kitchen and bar counters, or office desks.


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\items_food.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item BeerBottle
		DisplayName = Beer Bottle,
		DisplayCategory = Food,
		Type = Food,
		Weight = 0.4,
		Icon = BeerBottle,
		EvolvedRecipe = Soup:9;Stew:9;Beer:9;Beer2:9,
		FoodType = Beer,
		Alcoholic = TRUE,
		CantBeFrozen = TRUE,
		Packaged = TRUE,
		ReplaceOnUse = BeerEmpty,
		HungerChange = -9,
		ThirstChange = -13,
		UnhappyChange = -16,
		Calories = 170,
		Carbohydrates = 39,
		Lipids = 0,
		Proteins = 0,
		CustomContextMenu = Drink,
		CustomEatSound = DrinkingFromBottleGlass,
		StaticModel = BeerBottle,
		WorldStaticModel = BeerBottle,
		Tags = LowAlcohol,
		EvolvedRecipeName = Beer,

See also