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Jack Model.png
Moodle Icon HeavyLoad.png
Remove tires, brakes, and suspension
Item ID
PlushSpiffo.pngThis article is about a tool. For a survivor that was never added, see Jack Bloggs.

A jack is a tool used in mechanics.


A jack is required to remove tires, brakes, and suspension from vehicles. It is used to hold up the vehicle, so other tools, such as a lug wrench and wrench can remove the parts.

The tire must be removed using a lug wrench before the brakes and suspension can be accessed with the wrench. The jack is never removed from the player's inventory during this process and instead, the vehicle is effectively "lowered" back to the ground once a part is removed.

The player will not be able to use the jack on a vehicle if they have not read the appropriate recipe magazine corresponding to the vehicle type.


The loot distributions can be found in the table(s) below.

Jack distribution Show / Hide
Effective chance calculations are based off of default loot settings, and median zombie density. The higher the density of zombies in an area, the higher the effective chance of an item spawning. Chance is also influenced by the lucky and unlucky traits.
Building/Room Container Effective chance
all crate 0.53%
all toolcabinet 6.29%
bedroom crate 0.53%
carsupply clothingrack 6.29%
carsupply counter 6.29%
carsupply metal_shelves 6.29%
carsupply shelves 6.29%
closet crate 0.53%
closet crate 6.29%
factorystorage locker 6.29%
garagestorage counter 2.81%
garagestorage crate 0.53%
garagestorage crate 6.29%
garagestorage metal_shelves 2.81%
mechanic crate 6.29%
mechanic metal_shelves 6.29%
mechanic wardrobe 6.29%
storageunit crate 0.53%
storageunit crate 6.29%
storageunit metal_shelves 0.53%
storageunit metal_shelves 6.29%
Type Container Effective chance
Ambulance Trunk 1.61%
Carpenter Trunk 1.61%
Clothing Trunk 1.61%
Construction Worker Trunk 1.61%
Distillery Trunk 1.61%
Doctor Trunk 1.61%
Electrician Trunk 1.61%
Farmer Trunk 1.61%
Fire Trunk 1.61%
Fisherman Trunk 1.61%
Fossoil Trunk 1.61%
Golf Trunk 1.61%
Groceries Trunk 1.61%
Heralds Trunk 1.61%
Mass Gen Fac Trunk 1.61%
McCoy Trunk 1.61%
Metal Welder Trunk 1.61%
Painter Trunk 1.61%
Police Trunk 1.61%
Postal Trunk 1.61%
Radio Trunk 1.61%
Ranger Trunk 1.61%
Spiffo Trunk 1.61%
Survivalist Trunk 1.61%
Taxi Trunk 1.61%
Transit Trunk 1.61%
Transit Trunk 23.28%
Heavy Trunk 1.61%
Sports Trunk 1.61%
Standard Trunk 1.61%


Profession Container Rolls Chance
All Trunk 2 1.5


Code icon.png Code snippet! This section contains source code from Project ZomboidShow / Hide

Source: ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\vehicles\vehiclesitems.txt

Retrieved: Build 41.78.16
item Jack
        DisplayCategory = Tool,
        Weight	=	1.5,
        Type	=	Normal,
        DisplayName	=	Jack,
        Icon	=	CarJack,
        MechanicsItem = TRUE,
        WorldStaticModel = CarJack,

See also